The Stockholm archipelago with it's 30'000 islands is a unique and wonderful place you should definitely visit when in Stockholm. You might have heard about the island of Vaxholm. Going there to get a taste of the beauty of the archipelago might be recommended in every guide about Stockholm. But if you have a bit more time and want to go a bit further, there is a beautiful way to do so. How does that sound: You take an old steamboat to the Stockholm archipelago, you have a very good dinner on board and you enjoy the multiple little island with the mostly red swedish houses during the eveningsun and you arrive back in the middle of the city shortly after sunset. Sounds like the perfect evening? Then check out the website of Blidösundsbolaget. They offer various possibilities. My favourite is the dinnercruise with the steamboat Storskär in the evening from Strömkajen to the island of Ljusterö (Linanäs/Väsbystrand). Book your table a bit in advance and enjoy this unforgettable ride. You can also find the menu on the website. The restaurant is inside on the first floor. If you don't want to have dinner, there is also a café with snacks and drinks and you can sit outside. Get your ticket on board before you leave (great price - fare 4 - especially in comparison to some other sightseeingtours) and enjoy!
There is much more to discover in the archipelago, click here.